1950’s Teen Idol
Tommy Sands stars as a rising rock-n-roll singer who comes under intense family pressure to give up stardom & become a rural Preacher! It is the Pulpit vs Pop Music! Featuring Edmond O’Brien, Lili Gentle, Nick Adams &
a classic rock-n-roll soundtrack! Also featuring short subjects from local film maker John McGinniss!
The Somerville Theatre (Micro-cinema)
55 Davis Square
Somerville Ma
Friday July 10th
8pm (sharp)
Admission: $7.50 (cheap!)
(617) 625-5700
Why Tommy Sands?
Why this film?
Rock-n-Roll was young brash and the upstart's upstart in 1958, very controversial and already hard at work creating it's own stereotypes & cliches. Tommy Sands (who was signed by Colonel Tom Parker at the age of
fifteen) is the very embodiment of that process, a musical malleable country boy rocker who yearned for stardom, he was literally Elvis Presley's first true impersonator a harbinger of hip thrusting sequined Incubai to come. Ah but if Elvis passed thru Hollywood on his way to Mount Olympus (a throne next to Marilyn Monroe surely), Tommy Sands fell short, got married to Nancy Sinatra (it had to be love, what man in his right mind would want Frank Sinatra as his Father in Law??) and then vanished into the ghetto of sixties TV guest star roles.
But in "
Sing Boy Sing" we have a good solid musical miniature portrait of A Hollywood Studio's Amusing Ambivalence towards a rising style of music in part hyped by other corporations. One the one hand they wanna crash in on this crazy kid's stuff on the other hand they are just concerned enough to want to defang the alleged monster. Thus we get Tommy Sands playing a nice likable preacher's grandson who is himself "conflicted" over his fame as a rocker.
To say the least Tommy Sands is literally
playing himself here...which is why his acting stands up reasonably well against Nick Adams histrionics and Edmond O'Brien's beetlebrowed Bluto act.
Anyway Channel Zero just wanted to reach back to when Rock-n-Roll first starting literally
thinking about itself and indulge a little counterprogramming along the way, drop y if you've had your fill of CGI Saurians.... :)