Tuesday, May 09, 2017

If you get a chance...

Definitely get to the Somerville Theatre where "Colossal" is still lingering, it is quite likely the only Kaiju movie that Anne Hathaway will ever do sans coercion so on those grounds alone its a must-see. Besides I've waited all my life for a Giant Monster Movie grounded so very solidly on the twin horrors of alcoholism and spousal abuse...I mean we had to wait forever for this right???!!! Just see it, its good, once again a new age of Kaiju movies is descending upon us (Universal is dreaming of a Godzilla-Rhodan, Ghirodah - King Kong mashup that'll likely see the light of day ere long no matter how wearisome the line up may be)...before the wave breaks and carries us all off, why not see a good one with a worthwhile plot? Besides if you never will see again Anne Hathaway in a monster movie, you sure as shit will never see Jason Sudeikis playing an abusive stalker....